Hey junta, hope you r all doing good. So am i.. If you call hanging off a very sheer rock-cliff with one hand gripping the edge 'doing good', then yes, my dears, I'm in the very pink of health.. To those who have been attacked by Alzheimer's/Short term memory loss/good ol' amnesia, I'm awaiting the (catastrophic) results of my GATE exam.. And to be frank, I wouldn't at all mind if you promptly forgot this li'l tidbit..
Now, onto more serious things...
I am going to paraphrase, in the next 128 pages, the result of the enquiry committee's investigations regarding the viability of India's nuclear deal and its impact on our relationship with the SAARC countries.
Ha ha! Gotcha! Who cares about SAARC anyway? I'm gonna talk about my blog..
Welcome to my blog.. Old lamps 4 new...
This name has a very nostalgic association for me.. It is the most memorable line from one of the first stories we've all heard as small children... Right you are! It's from Aladdin, that ever-captivating tale of princesses and castles, genial genies and evil magicians, and a cheeky young man and his quest for love, luck and happiness that all started with a lamp. As did my fascination with the wonderful world of stories. A fascination that has accompanied me ever since, and has pinched, pushed, poked, prodded, prompted and propelled me onward in my quest for all things bookish.
Old lamps 4 new appeals to me on a different level also. Exchanging old lamps for new is the calling of an artist. A good storyteller is one who tells an old story as it has never been told before. A good photographer is one who captures a commonplace thing and makes us see it in a new light. A good cook is one who brings out exotic new flavours from the same old herbs and spices that have been in use for centuries.
And so, as I journey on through the roads of Life which have been traversed by millions before me, I will attempt to depict in this journal of mine, the experiences and realisations, temptations and privations that I come across, and I hope that as you, dear reader, read what I write, you will see in each of them, something old, something to identify with, and also something new, something to wonder about…
Bon Voyage!